
The 3E Partnership

Passenger rail brings economic, environmental and equity benefits to communities. We spread the word with outreach and education.

Spreading the Word on Opportunities for Improved Transportation

There are unprecedented funds available for transportation improvements under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Many communities are unfamiliar with these opportunities. The 3 E Partnership is working to spread the word, because a robust, seamless transportation system will bring significant economic, environmental and equity benefits to communities of all sizes.

National rail advovacy organizations have limited outreach capacity outside the Washington, DC Beltway. Therefore, the Partnership focuses on engaging, educating, and energizing the public, elected officials, the press, business and local leaders through a wide variety of outreach activities such as Train Treks; presentations for legislators and communities; soliciting resolutions and letters of support; content publishing; coalition building; Summit meetings and other events, along with technical support to local advocacy organizations.

With your help, we can continue our work toward making a better rail network! Please support us today!


The 3 E Partnership has come together to conduct community outreach and education about the economic, environmental and equity benefits to communities of all sizes.

Our Work

To achieve our vision for a seamless transportation network, we are pursuing a coordinated communication strategy that will create and maintain engagement, interaction and outreach to members, donors, the public and the press.


We generate publicity locally, regionally, and nationally for our cause and our partners.


Donations and sponsorships are welcome.


For more information, contact us.